
Office of Custodial Inspector

Custodial Inspector's Adult and Youth Health Care Report

The Custodial Inspector’s Adult and Youth Health Care Reports were released this month - highlighting the severe lack of mental and physical health supports for all Adults and Youths in our prison and remand settings.

From the last set of Reports, the Custodial Inspector stated only 12 of 46 recommendations made in the five years between inspections have been implemented in the adult settings.


Prison Population

Every year, NAIDOC Week is celebrated around the country.

There are awards, concerts and feature pieces throughout various media platforms celebrating outstanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in this country.

But at the end of the week, we are still faced with the grim figures of over-representation in the Australian prison system.

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Increased Demand for Civil Legal Assistance

14th June 2024

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service stated today it is seeing an increased demand for civil legal assistance.

“We are seeing an increase in community members seeking legal advice and assistance on a range of civil issues,” TALS CEO Jake Smith said.

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Violence Against Women

Violence against women continues to be an unaddressed and significant issue across the country and here in Tasmania, for all women.

For Aboriginal Women in Tasmania, the perpetrated violence is more severe and disproportionate.

Aboriginal women are 11 times more likely to lose their lives to assault than non-Aboriginal Women, and three in five Aboriginal women experience violence by a male intimate partner.

BSP Program

TALS Bail Support Program pilot

On the 25th January 2024 the Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service launched its Bail Support program pilot.

Bridgewater Youth Hub

Bridgewater Youth Hub

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal service (TALS) is working in collaboration with the Brighton Council and Australian Red Cross - Tasmania to create a youth hub in Bridgewater.

Traditional Tribes of Tasmania

Genuine engagement and consultation required

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service wants to see genuine engagement and consultation with a wide range of Aboriginal communities and organisations to support the best outcome for Aboriginal children and young people.



TALS has appointed Palawa man Jake Smith as its new CEO.

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TALS yarns with Noel Pearson

TALS welcomed Indigenous leader Noel Pearson to our Hobart office to yarn about the Voice.

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TALS welcomes the Commission of Inquiry's recommendations

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service warmly welcomes the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendations focused on improving services and support for Aboriginal people and communities in Tasmania.


TALS - Tasmanian and inclusive

TALS is a Tasmanian Aboriginal organisation, which is inclusive of all Aboriginal people and communities.


In support of raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility

TALS and Legal Aid Tasmania are opposed to the motion by Councillor Steve Kons, that if passed, would see the Burnie City Council advocating against the raising of the minimum age for criminal responsibility from 10 to 14.