
Northern Prison Scrapped

Tuesday 03 September, 2024

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service today welcomed the State Government decision to not build a Northern prison.

TALS CEO Jake Smith said Minister for Corrections Minister Madeleine Ogilvie’s announcement not to build the Northern Prison and divert funding was significant.

“The decision to divert funding towards programs that will improve rehabilitation and reintegration opportunities is extremely important,” Mr Smith said.

“It’s great to see the Tasmanian Government is not going to build another prison and fill it as they have previously done.

“By investing in rehabilitation, reintegration and supporting those within the system, there will be greater opportunities for improved outcomes for those in prison and in the community.”

Mr Smith said TALS has been calling for greater investment in rehabilitation and reintegration for people in custody for some time.

“We are pleased to see this Government commitment, particularly a specific allocation of funding to Aboriginal Prisoners.”

Mr Smith said TALS had received communication from the Department of Justice Acting-Secretary Kristy Bourne which highlighted funding will be diverted specifically for training and activities for Aboriginal Prisoners.

“Greater supports are required for Aboriginal people in custody. The current level of funding falls well short in meeting the needs of the Aboriginal prison population.”

“Aboriginal people represent approximately 25% of the prison population at any one time, that is compared to approximately 5% of the Tasmanian population.

“The Tasmanian Government is a signatory under Closing the Gap and target 10 specifically calls out a 15% reduction of Aboriginal prisoners incarcerated by 2031.

“The productivity commissions dashboard of assessment of progress towards this target has Tasmania’s confidence level as low and going in the wrong direction.”

Media contact: A. Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732

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